Mary Delaney Mary Delaney

Geologic Hydrogen: The Untapped Fuel Beneath Our Feet

So, how do we unlock this hidden resource? That’s where SKYRE’s H2RENEW technology comes in. Our advanced hydrogen separation system efficiently extracts pure hydrogen from raw well gas, removing contaminants like CO₂, hydrocarbons, and nitrogen to produce hydrogen suitable for industry or fuel.

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Mary Delaney Mary Delaney

SKYRE Delivers Electrochemical Hydrogen Separation System for Natural Gas Pipelines

SKYRE, a leader in hydrogen recovery solutions, has shipped its electrochemical hydrogen separation system as part of a collaboration with a prominent Texas research institute. This initiative aims to extract and purify hydrogen from natural gas pipelines, enhancing hydrogen utilization economics and strengthening natural gas infrastructure.

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Mary Delaney Mary Delaney

SKYRE’s Trailblazing Journey in PEM Electrolysis

Recently, SKYRE marked a significant milestone by delivering its inaugural Electrolyzer Test System to a prominent player in the fuel cell industry. The decision to venture into hydrogen generation prompted this customer to seek out SKYRE’s unparalleled expertise in PEM electrolysis, compression, and carbon capture to construct a 100 – 250 kW-scale test rig, offering alignment with their needs.

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Mary Delaney Mary Delaney

Project Breakthrough Propels Sustainability Forward

Over the past 4 years, SKYRE has had the privilege of collaborating with NASA on the Lunar Propellant Production Plant (LP3) program, aimed at developing the first rocket fueling plant on the Moon. Recently, we reached a significant milestone as we successfully completed the exit review, marking the culmination of this NASA-sponsored project.

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Mary Delaney Mary Delaney

Accelerating the Advancement of Green Hydrogen through Electrolyzer Technology

There is overwhelming worldwide interest and demand for hydrogen-based and water electrolysis systems as part of the global move towards decarbonization. The electrolyzer market is booming, and with our decades of expertise and role in New England’s regional Hydrogen Hub, SKYRE is at the center. We are accelerating the evolution of green hydrogen production through the advancement of electrolyzer technology powered through renewables.

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Mary Delaney Mary Delaney

Understanding the Hydrogen Rainbow

Despite being a colorless and odorless gas, a question we often come across with hydrogen is what do the various colors of hydrogen represent? When we say something is green hydrogen - what does that mean? It’s a proverbial rainbow of hydrogen and we have the color key.

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